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World Thyroid Day; symptoms, causes, treatment and diagnosis.

25th May is observed as world thyroid day globally and has been in observation since the year 2011. This year’s theme is Thyroid & Communication. It is important to understand more about thyroid disorder for the patient. It is also important to openly communicate for the betterment of thyroid health. In this condition the thyroid gland doesn’t produce right hormone amount. Hormones are important for proper body functioning. Our bodies use energy quickly after thyroid produces more hormone. This condition is referred as hyperthyroidism. When the energy is used up quickly, it can cause rapid heartbeat and unhealthy weight loss and can affect mental health too. When thyroid produces little hormones, this condition is referred as hypothyroidism in which there is weight gain and cold temperature intolerance.

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Causes: Deficiency in Iodine, gland malfunctioning, inflammation.

Symptoms: Irritability, anxiety, being nervous, weight loss or gain, muscle weakness and tremors, irregular menstruation.

Diagnosis: Blood test to measure TSH, T3 and T4 levels.

Treatment: Radioactive iodine, anti thyroid medications, beta blockers, thyroid replacement medications.

Dietary limitations: Here are foods to avoid if you have


  1. Soybeans: Phytoestrogen interferes with the thyroid hormone capacity for functioning. It can further increase hypothyroidism.
  2. Cruciferous veggies: Cabbage, kale, broccoli, sprouts, bok choy etc. are some of the veggies which are not suitable for this condition, they can reduce the ability of thyroid in absorbing iodine and can lower gland function.
  3. Fatty foods: Fats can interfere with absorbing of the thyroid hormone and medications within the body.
  4. Excessive fibre: Too much of fiber can cause difficulty in thyroid treatment.
  5. Sugar: Sugar can slow down the body’s metabolism causing weight gain.


  1. High Iodine food: Iodized salt, kelp and seaweed contain high iodine and should be avoided.
  2. Caffeine: Coffee and energy drinks should be consumed in limitations as they contain high caffeine which leads to heart palpitations.
  3. Alcohol: Reduces energy and can cause poor quality sleep in Also increases risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Full Fat milk: Whole milk should be avoided, skimmed or plant based milk is a good option.

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