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Doctors state that Vitamin D is not typically included in routine screenings, so regular testing is unnecessary.

Understand why routine Vitamin D testing is deemed unnecessary by medical experts and why supplementation should be selective rather than widespread.

Recently, Vitamin D, often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, has garnered considerable attention for its health benefits. However, new guidelines from the US Endocrine Society suggest reevaluating our approach to this crucial micronutrient.

Despite its essential role in bone and teeth development and immune system support, Vitamin D should not be subjected to routine testing or indiscriminate supplementation. The Endocrine Society’s latest guidelines advise against regular testing and supplementation of Vitamin D in healthy adults up to the age of 75, diverging from common practice.

Dr. Phulrenu Chauhan, Section Head of Endocrinology at P. D. Hinduja Hospital, highlighted the overenthusiasm for Vitamin D supplementation. She stated, “Vitamin D is supplemented by nearly everyone involved in health and nutrition, often without understanding the potential risks of high doses.”

“Routine Vitamin D tests are unnecessary and should be reserved for specific situations. It is not a screening test,” Dr. Chauhan added.

Dr. Anoop Misra, Chairman and Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Fortis C-Doc Hospital, echoed this view, noting the high cost of routine testing and the lack of benefits from supplementation in healthy individuals. “Routine measurement of Vitamin D levels is not recommended due to its cost and the limited positive outcomes in healthy individuals,” he explained.

“While Vitamin D deficiency is common in India, its significance is not widely understood. In children, it can reduce rickets; in the elderly, it can lower mortality; during pregnancy, it can prevent adverse fetal outcomes; and in prediabetics, it can delay diabetes onset. Supplementation is recommended in these specific cases,” he said.

In summary, the new guidelines suggest a more targeted approach to Vitamin D supplementation, focusing on specific needs rather than broad testing and supplementation. As our understanding of Vitamin D evolves, it is clear that a tailored approach is essential for optimal health outcomes.

Times Tech Pharma

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